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About 200 years ago the Rosetta Stone provided the key to deciphering the most beautiful of all writing systems, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.


The code was finally cracked by a French man named  


Jean-Francois Champollion

















Ancient Egypt's history starts from 3050 B.C. (early dynastic period).

The New Kingdom started in 1570 B.C. (the 18th dynasty) with Pharoah Ahmose.

Pharoah Tutankhamun was the 6th Pharoah in that dynasty (reigned 1334-1325 B.C.)




Historical Characters


The following characters in this work are people who lived in Ancient Egyptian times and held the position ascribed to them in this work: -


Pharoah Akhenaten - Fathered Tutankhamun (Tut)



Nefertiti - Wife of Pharoah Akhenaten

                With whom he fathered six daughers


Lady Kiya - Mother of Tutankhamun/Second Wife of the Pharoah


Maya - Wet Nurse to Prince Tut Elevated by Pharaoh Tut to Treasurer and Overseer of the Palace of Eternity (Royal Cemeteries)


Pharaoh Amenhotep III - Known as the Great Memnon/father of Akhenaten and grandfather to Tut (Amen-ho-tep)


The Lady Tiya sometimes spelt Tiyi - Wife of Amenhotep III, mother of Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) and grandmother to Tut


Nakhtmia (Nakht) - Tut's friend and Mentor (gifts in Tut's Tomb inscribed with Nakht's name)


Usermont (Monti) - Tut's Chief Steward and Fan Bearer (Usermont's name is also inscribed on gifts in Tut's tomb)


Ankhen - the youngest daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti Tut's half-sister and later his Queen


Ay - Pharaoh Akhenaten's and later Pharaoh Tut's Vizier (Prime Minister)


Horemheb - Commander in Chief of Egypt; Son-in-law to Ay and Brother-in-law to Nefertiti


All other characters are from my imagination although such positions must have existed.





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